Technical Project Management and Coordination
Flikkema Innovation Management & Consultancy
Technical Project Management and Coordination
Coordination of large collaboration consortia focusses on technical project management at one hand and mediating between partners on the other hand. Technical project management is about managing risks: risk of delay, financial risks, technical risks, legal risks, commercial risks and communication risks. Continued monitoring of the risks is done through formal procedures as well as informal meetings with partners. FIMC applies an informal and bottom up approach to coordination where partners have large freedom within the boundaries set by the project agreements. Mutual trust in each other and in agreements made is the core basis for this approach.
Independent coordinator
Mediate between partners
Mediating between partners is sometimes necessary where interests are in conflict. The primary role of the mediating coordinator is to prevent escalation of said conflict. Sometimes however first steps to mediate between partners to scale down the conflict is necessary. Although the coordinator or WP leader in person is allied to one partner, he or she should have an independent position within the project. The coordinator and WP leader should independently represent all consortium partners and WP partners respectively. As external consultant, FIMC can fill in the role of independent coordinator or WP leader.
Maarten Flikkema of FIMC has wide experience in project coordination and technical management of Work Packages within large collaborative projects. Also, FIMC can carry out the technical project management of partners within large consortia where FIMC represents the partner in the consortium and manages the partner’s technical contribution.
Innovation Management
Managing innovations is much more than working on a technical project, it is also about communication and market uptake of the innovation.
Technical project management
Facilitating project management and coordination enables technical specialists to do what they are good at.
Proposal writing and consortium forming
A good project starts with a solid plan which will form the basis for the project funding.
Interim Management
An interim manager should recognise the impacts and guide personnel through difficult periods.